It is 13hours from Hong Kong to Johanessberg and that is a haul. When the first golden shafts of the surise lit up the cabin I felt my heart lift. Africa always has a treat. This time it is the welcome to a new hotel I found online that it is pure loveliness. A wonderful old mansion and our suite has a private deck, hot tub, outdoor shower, and views of the trees in the garden that are just dripping with flowers of every color. Mother nature is not co operating as it is a bit cool. However all the fireplaces are going.
The Residence if you are coming this way.
The garden
Our suit
The airport pickup.
Bowers of white orchids everywhere.
The boat lounge with a crackling fire and a wonderful bottle of South African cab. Light dinner followed. By then the hotel was a romantic fairyland of laterns and fireplaces with seating areas opening into gardens or ponds. Our bed had two hot water bottles tucked under the sheets. I almost wept when I cuddled my feet up next to that.
Our traveling buddies arrive, exhausted and excited at the same time. Tomorrow we are off early to Botswana and no internet for a week.
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