Tuesday, February 18, 2014


February 1-8 in 2014 Jon and Beth, Brad and Diana and Dario and Richard in Orlando.

Animal Kingdom

On Safari

The Magic Kingdom

Buzz Light Year

Men shooting guns!  They love it.

Grandpa actually was high scorer for the day when we left.  We went 4 times.

Tried and True
Driving a race car.  Great joy.

Super crowded ride.  Everyone loves it.

Richard can't reach.  I have a picture of Brad and his brother in the same stocks age 10 and 13.

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad was broken most of the time but Jon, Diana and Brad caught it running by chance.  The first time Diana and I went to Busch gardens she was very leery of roller coasters.  She has changed, she went on the scariest of all at Universal.   

Finally we are next.

Pirates of the Caribbean

Yeah! the hairy legged pirate is still there.  
Ready to change into two fierce pirates
Dario is going to be 8 eyed Jack and he has to hold still with his eyes closed for 20 minutes.  It is worth it!

His eyes are still closed. Later he told mummy he needed 6 more pairs of goggles for the pool. 

Spooky seeing this sweet face with a beard.

They join Captain Jack's show

Learning to fight with a pirate and then run away.
The new recruits

A pirate needs to eat but Nonna thinks he looks a bit to grown up.

            Off to Tom Sawyer's island to explore and play.  Favorite spot might be this fort.

Under the Sea

A Parade

It's a Small World

Can you hear the song?

Sitting on the street

Here They Come

Richard is enchanted.  This is the moment it is all worth it.


Crush talks to the kids.

Test Track, build your own race car.

Show a 6 year old a screen and he starts hitting buttons so if that screen looks like German, it is German.  No way to correct it so Brad had to hope for German engineering.

Thankfully Dario reads a bit better so we are working in English.

Dast ist Richard's fahrzeug!

Best moment of this ride is when the roller coaster with video portion is over the car blasts out doors and roars around an outdoor track.  Very fast and very fun.

Off on a spy search, a cell phone is given them, and they search all over England for the clues to complete their mission.

Their English heritage gets fed with fish and chips and a creamy trifle.

Mary Poppins

Alice in Wonderland

Day at the Beach to rest
Breakfast at Shades of Green, for military only resort on property.

Chef knows whose image to use for pancakes.

Nice plan the adults have, just run on the beach and chase the seagulls or collect shells but no getting wet or sandy!

The plan is working!

Opps!  This doesn't look good.

Danger.  I think the plan is losing ground.

I think it was a delusion rather than a plan.

Universal Studios

Universal has one huge attraction that has had Diana on the edge of extreme excitement ever since the trip was planned.  Harry Potter land is here and it is well done.  They are doubling the size after only two years because it is such a huge success. You may notice our beautiful weather has changed and cool rainy weather is the normal but how perfect for Hogsmeade.

Flying broomsticks for sale in the store.

Stick your finger through the mesh and the book growls and snaps.

The boys and grandpa and Nonna are on their own because mommy was so excited she had to run to Hogswart and do the fantastic ride there. Papa went along to keep an eye on her and he got very motion sick on the ride so that was the end of his care taking. She managed to go 7 times over the course of 2 days.  Richard was too short and Dario a bit apprehensive about the spooky castle.  Yes the portraits on the wall converse and it is spooky.  Nonna came in second with 2 times.

There they go on the flight of the Hippogriff roller coaster.


This is supposed to be Marilyn Monroe and Lucile Ball.  Wonder if no one younger lives in Florida?  Seem a bit over the hill.

Nonna's reward.

Dr. Suess

Poseidon's Fury

Working on their webshooters

The best deal is a Jimmy Buffet restaurant with a volcano and a place to play right at the table.

Mommy, Daddy and Dario on last night.
Richard and Nonna and Grandpa stayed home and played games.  Small boy was a bit tired and grandparents more than glad to take care of him where it was warm.

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